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  • 400-696-4919
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浏览次数:4487次 发布时间:2019/4/8 8:58:37 【关闭】 字体: 



1、 平行原则,要同类,如词性、结构等。

e.g. Agriculture necessitated the storage of seed stock, the division of labor, and allocating land. (句子宾语出现两个名词结构,最后是"allocating"这样的动词现在分词,明显是不平行)。

2、 某些明显错误,如 "may have travel", "between my brother and I". "there behavior". "pushed she"等要在句子中根据自己语言常识和语感做出判断。

3、 连系动词+形容词,如remain, seem, smell, look, appear, feel等,(remain+strongly为错误)

4、 副词修饰"形容词"(ly为后缀的此类一般为副词)

e.g. "a neutrally country"错误因为副词不能修饰名词。

5、 Each of , Either of , neither of为单数,both of 为复数。 all of, some of取决于后面的名词词性,如果是可数名词,就用复数,否则就用单数。"Either blacks or whites "为错误,要改为 "both blacks and whites".

6、 某些抽象名词为不可数,如a given piece of land, information, news, advice

7、 某些特殊的结构:"it" 结构,"Given" (表示从……看,相当于"Considering")

e.g.: Lindebergh flew without a co-pilot, an extremely risky undertaking despite the duration of the flight and the exhaustion… (改为"given". )

8、 名词、代词数要统一

e.g.. The Dada movement had lost much of their impetus by the early 1920s. (主语是单数,代词也要用单数,"their"要改为"its")

9、 文章排序先确定首尾。要根据选项提示判断首句,尾句。

10、 要判断文章的主要大意,需要看选项归纳性、全面性,不能选择片面的,含义绝对的选项。此条原则也适用于阅读理解同类题目。


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