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浏览次数:3141次 发布时间:2020/8/21 10:58:53 【关闭】 字体: 





  …的基石 the cornerstone of


  为了纪念…  in memory of sb, to the memory of sb, commemorate


  以...命名 be named after


  构成 constitute;make up


  必不可少的  essential, indispensable, fundamental


  古代 (in) ancient times


  随着时间的推移 as time goes by


  悠久的历史  with a long history,have a long history


  深远的影响  profound/significant  influence/impact 、


  大量 a large number of; a multitude of; a great many


  影响 affect;  impact;influence


  …的象征  the symbol of


  追溯到  date back to, trace back to


  起(来)源于  be originated from/in;derive from


  兴盛于 prosper in


  社会地位  social status


  据记载    according to historical records


  文化交流 cultural exchange


  各地差异很大 vary from region to region(place to place)


  风俗习惯  customs


  传统节日  traditional festivals


  传统手工艺 traditional handicrafts


  民间艺术  folk art


  色彩丰富 ... in rich colours


  风格独特 unique style


  享誉全球 be very famous throughout the world


  笔墨纸砚  writing brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone


  封建社会 feudal society


  皇帝 emperor


  宗教信仰  religious beliefs


  思想学派 school of thought


  思想核心 the core of the ideology


  代表人物 representative


  文学作品 literary works


  儒家思想 Confucianism


  儒家文化 Confucian culture


  道家 Daoism


  法家 Legalism


  传统美德 traditional virtues


  尊敬老人 respect the elderly


  尊老爱幼 respect the old and love the young


  礼物馈赠 give presents


  脚踏实地  be down-to-earth


  道德  morality




  享有…的声誉 enjoy a high reputation for...


  蓬勃发展 boom;flourish;thrive


  被誉为 be honored/crowned as


  占据重要地位 occupy a significant place; play a significant role


  与…密不可分 be closely associated with


  增进友谊 enhance friendship


  位于、坐落于  be located in/at


  雄伟壮观  magnificent/glorious/spectacular


  海拔 above sea level


  幅员辽阔 have a vast territory


  距离...公里  ** kilometers away from...


  水域面积 water area


  发源于 originate in


  发祥地 birthplace


  诞生地 cradle


  流经 run through


  注入 empty into


  古代文明 ancient civilization


  繁荣地区 prosperous region


  栖息地 habitat


  宏大 splendid, grand


  气候湿润/温暖/干燥/温和  moist/warm/dry/mild climate


  干旱 drought


  风景独特  unique scenery


  蜿蜒 wind through


  传奇神秘 legendary and mystery


  稀有的  scarce, rare


  自然景色 natural beauty/scenery


  丝绸之路  the Silk Road


  文化遗迹  cultural heritage


  文物古迹  cultural relics and historic sites


  保存最完好的 best-preserved


  濒危物种  endangered species


  景点  scenic site


  旅游景点/目的地  tourist spots;tourist destination


  度假 take a vacation


  开阔视野  broaden one’s horizon


  翻山越岭 climb mountains and hills




  探亲访友 pay a visit to relatives and friends


  扫尘 sweep the dust


  买年货 buy necessity for Spring Festival


  欢度 celebrate... / the celebration of


  驱除厄运 get rid of bad luck


  年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve


  团圆饭 family reunion dinner


  团聚  family reunion


  红包   red envelope


  发红包 hand out red envelopes


  美好祝福 good wishes, blessings


  中国菜  Chinese cuisine/food


  饮食文化 food culture


  色香味  color, aroma, and taste


  菜系  cooking style


  烹饪方法  cooking technique


  传统习俗 traditional custom


  象征  symbolize/signify


  团结 unity


  繁荣兴旺 prosperity


  仪式  ritual


  礼仪 manners


  优雅 elegance/elegant


  农历  lunar calendar


  灯谜  lantern riddles


  赏月 enjoy the moon;注意欣赏景色的赏,一般用enjoy




  近年来 in recent years;  over the last few years


  随着…的发展/提高 with the development/improvement of…


  出现 emergence;rise;advent


  显著地 dramatically


  极大地 greatly; significantly;tremendously;dramatically


  稳步(地) steadily;stably


  增长 increase;rise;grow


  调查显示 according to surveys:surveys show that


  商品 commodity


  付款 make a payment;pay a bill


  成本/费用/开支 cost


  增长率 growth rate


  可持续发展  sustainable development


  最发达地区 the most developed regions


  面积和人口   size and population


  聚集区 gathering area


  改革开放 reform and opening up


  主要经济区域 leading regional economies


  制造中心 manufacturing centers


  主要交通工具 main means of transportation


  具有…的优点 have the advantages of…


  高铁   high-speed train


  地铁站 subway station


  公共交通 public transport


  见证 witness


  超过 exceed


  费用 expense


  基础设施 infrastructure


  生活水平 living standard


  平均收入 average income


  购买力 purchasing power


  网购  online shopping


  电商巨头 e-commerce giants


  打折 give/offer a discount


  用现金/信用卡付款 pay by cash/credit card


  快递 express delivery


  消费方式 pattern of consumption


  消除贫困   alleviate poverty/poverty alleviation


  跟团游   package tour


  自由行   independent travel


  社会保障 social security


  就业 employment


  外出务工人员 migrant workers


  理财 Financial management,manage finance




  通信网络 communication network


  快速发展   fast/rapid/rocketing development/growth


  阅读方式  way of reading; reading habit


  因此  as a result; consequently


  移动支付 mobile payment


  手机购物 mobile shopping;shopping on mobile phones


  拓宽 broaden; expand; enlarge


  考研热 post-graduate mania


  竞争激烈 fierce competition


  考研 take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools


  必修课 compulsory course


  专业课 specialized course


  课外活动  extracurricular activities


  自我修养  self-cultivation


  改善设施  improve facilities


  专注于  be devoted to


  不遗余力  spare no effort/do one’s best


  因材施教  individualized quality education


  过度依赖  overreliance/overdependence on; rely too heavily on


  人工智能   artificial intelligence(AI)


  人脸识别   facial recognition


  高等教育 higher education


  网络课程 online course


  在线学习 online learning


  教育公平 education equality


  智能手机用户 smartphone user


  电子设备 electronic device


  对...上瘾 be addicted to...


  虚拟世界 virtual world


  新兴的 emerging


  网民 netizen


  发展潜力 development/ growth potential;potential to develop/grow


  创新 innovation


  即时通讯 instant communication


  兼职 part-time jobs


  积累经验 accumulate experience


  减负 reduce study load


  早恋 puppy love


  预测 predict;forecast


  便于携带 be easy to carry; portable




  趋势 a trend, tendency


  肥胖  obesity


  慢性病 chronic disease


  快走  fast walking


  生活方式 lifestyle


  健身   bodybuilding


  器官捐献  organ donation


  捐献  donate


  老年人 the elderly; the aged; senior citizens


  忽视 neglect; ignore; overlook


  延缓衰老 slow down aging


  症状 symptom


  体检 physical examination


  鼓励 encourage;stimulate


  骑行  cycling


  共享经济  sharing economy


  雾霾  haze/smog


  红色预警  red alert


  食品安全  food safety


  空气污染  air pollution


  导致 cause; result in; lead to; give rise to


  有助于 help(to)


  治愈 cure/heal


  交通拥堵 traffic congestion


  节能环保  energy saving and environmental protection


  社交 socializing; social interactions

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