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高端出国留学请拨咨询热线 400-696-4919


浏览次数:4616次 发布时间:2019/3/20 15:06:26 【关闭】 字体: 



At the same time, as soon as, so far, since, now, when, meanwhile, shortly, later, lately, after a while, at this time, before, earlier, presently, in the meantime, formerly, previously, simultaneously, eventually, finally, concurrently , immediately, subsequently, lastly, consequently, since then, following this, preceding this, at the outset, at this point, after, afterwards, after this, at once, at length, in the mean time, meanwhile, at the same time, in the end, not long after, some time ago, at present, all of a sudden, from this time on.


In other words, again, as has been pointed out, to repeat, as I have said above, once again, after all, indeed, in fact, truly, chiefly, especially, actually, particularly, to be sure, above all, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say.


but, however, yet, or, nevertheless, still, nonetheless, conversely, nor rather, whereas, though, on the one hand, on the contrary, by contrast with/to, even though, instead, unlike, different from, in contrast (with/to), instead (of), unlike, while, for all of that, notwithstanding, something is just the other way around, opposed to, as opposed to.


similarly, likewise, like, as, at the same time, in fact, too, in the same way, in alike manner, both, also, compared with, in comparison with


first of all, to begin with, first, second, next, in the first (second) place, furthermore, moreover, beyond that, also, besides, in addition, what is more, such as, finally, for example, for instance, in this case, namely, a case in point is…, consider…, in particular, including…, for one thing…, for another…, put it simply, stated roughly, as an illustration, I will say…, a good example (of…) would be…, to detail this, I would like to…, it is interesting to note that…, in this situation, as proof, take the case of…, take (something) as example, as for, as regards, as to, according to, on this occasion.


Since, because (of), as, for, owing to, result from, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of, being that, another important factor/reason of…, in that…, for the reason that…, in view of.

So, therefore, thus, hence, as a result, accordingly, for this reason, on that account, it follows that, thereupon, inevitably, under these conditions, as a consequence, consequently, in consequence, so that, not only…but (also…), so… as to


To sum up, in summary, to summarize, in short, in brief, to be brief, on the whole, in conclusion, to conclude, the conclusion can be drawn that…

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