例:What is the lecture mainly about?
A. Different kinds of color vision in sea animals.
B. Differences in appearance betweenvarious species of octopus.
C. Ways that octopuses attract theirprey.
D. Ways that octopuses protect themselves from predators.
通过读题干,考生可发现这是一道主旨题。而这道题所对应的答案区域也恰恰在文章开头部分。在讲座开头,教授说的第一句话是:“OK, now I want to talk about an animal that has a fascinating set of defense mechanisms. And that’s the octopus, one of the unusual creatures that live in the sea. Theoctopus is prey to many species, including humans, so how does it escape its predators?”教授在一开始就直接明了地介绍了所讲内容的主旨:章鱼的自我防御机制。而结尾处的“Even Proteus would beimpressed, I think”是对开头的呼应。因此考生可以得知正确答案为选项D。而其他选项均和录音中谈到的章鱼的防御机制没有关系,自然无法成为正确选项。
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