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OG:Artisans and Industrialization 

TPO 6-1: Powering the Industrial Revolution

TPO 18-1: Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia 

TPO 26-1: Energy and the Industrial Revolution

TPO 34-2:The Development of Steam Power

TPO 49-3: Background for the industrial Revolution



标志:瓦特改良了蒸汽机,从而开创了以机器代替人工的工业浪潮。第一次工业革命使用的机器都是以蒸汽或者水力作为动力驱动,工业革命以机器取代人力,是以大规模工厂化生产取代个体作坊手工生产的一场生产与科技革命。机器的发明及应用成为了这个时代的标志,因此历史学家称这个时代为“机器时代 “the Age of Machines”。英国是最早开始工业革命的国家。从英国向整个欧洲大陆传播,19世纪传至北美。一般认为,蒸汽机、煤炭、钢铁是促成工业革命技术加速发展的三项主要因素。工业革命都是以轻工业开始,向其他部门发展。

In the 1760s, James Watt perfected a separate condenser for the steam, so that the cylinder did not have to be cooled at every stroke; then he devised a way to make the piston turn a wheel and thus convert reciprocating (back and forth) motion into rotary motion. He thereby transformed an inefficient pump of limited use into a steam engine of a thousand uses. The final step came when steam was introduced into the cylinder to drive the piston backward as well as forward, thereby increasing the speed of the engine and cutting its fuel consumption.

Watt's steam engine soon showed what it could do. It liberated industry from dependence on running water.

(节选自TPO 6-1 Powering the Industrial Revolution)








工业革命起源于英国。此时人力和畜力的实力有限;水力的局限性影响发展——工厂必须临河而建;传统的能源(如wood),已经不能满足生产需要了。靠人力将natural resources转化成energy极不容易。

By the eighteenth century, Britain was experiencing a severe shortage of energy. Because of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago been replaced by fields of grain and hay. Wood was in ever-shorter supply, yet it remained tremendously important. It served as the primary source of heat for all homes and industries and as a basic raw material. Processed wood (charcoal) was the fuel that was mixed with iron ore in the blast furnace to produce pig iron (raw iron). The iron industry’s appetite for wood was enormous, and by 1740 the British iron industry was stagnating. As this early energy crisis grew worse, Britain looked toward its abundant and widely scattered reserves of coal as an alternative to its vanishing wood.

(节选自tpo 34-2 The Development of Steam Power)

Since the steam engine was fired by coal, the large mills did not need to be located by rivers, as had mills that used water-driven machines.

(节选自TPO26-1 Energy and the Industrial Revolution)








1. Changes in power


Watt's steam engine soon showed what it could do. It liberated industry from dependence on running water. The engine eliminated water in the mines by driving efficient pumps, which made possible deeper and deeper mining. 

(节选自TPO 6-1 Powering the Industrial Revolution)

2. Changes in Cotton Production


The shift to increased mechanization in cotton production is apparent in the import of raw cotton and the sale of cotton goods. Between 1760 and 1850, the amount of raw cotton imported increased 230 times. Production of British cotton goods increased sixtyfold, and cotton cloth became Great Britain’s most important product, accounting for one-half of all exports. 

(节选自TPO26-1 Energy and the Industrial Revolution)

3. The Iron Industries


The economic consequence of these technical innovations in steam power was a great boom in the British iron industry. In 1740 annual British iron production was only 17,000 tons, but by 1844, with the spread of coke smelting and the impact of Cort’s inventions, it had increased to 3,000,000 tons. This was a truly amazing expansion. Once scarce and expensive, iron became cheap, basic, and indispensable to the economy.

(节选自TP34-2 The Development of Steam Power)

4. Changes in press


Steam power did not merely spin cotton and roll iron; early in the new century, it also multiplied ten times over the amount of paper that a single worker could produce in a day. At the same time, operators of the first printing presses run by steam rather than by hand found it possible to produce a thousand pages in an hour rather than thirty. 

(节选自TPO 6-1 Powering the Industrial Revolution)

5. The Railroads


Steam also promised to eliminate a transportation problem not fully solved by either canal boats or turnpikes. Boats could carry heavy weights, but canals could not cross hilly terrain; turnpikes could cross the hills, but the roadbeds could not stand up under great weights. These problems needed still another solution, and the ingredients for it lay close at hand. … Another generation passed before inventors succeeded in combining these ingredients, by putting the engine on wheels and the wheels on the rails, so as to provide a machine to take the place of the horse. Thus the railroad age sprang from what had already happened in the eighteenth century. 

(节选自TPO 6-1 Powering the Industrial Revolution)

6. New factories and its labors


Also, the availability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborers accustomed to seasonal and temporary employment. When the work was completed, many moved to other construction jobs or to factory work in cities and towns, where they became part of an expanding working class. 

(节选自TPO26-1 Energy and the Industrial Revolution)

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